
Rotterdam pakt uit

Meer dan twintig evenementen tijdens ZomerFestivals Rotterdam

archief oud artikel 16 mei 2006 Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland Met de opening van Strand aan de Maas op het Leuvehoofd, gaan op 18 mei de Rotterdamse Zomerfestivals van start. Dit jaar is ook het jaar van de jubilea. Zo viert het Kolkkonsert haar tienjarig jubileum, net als de FFWD Heineken Dance Parade en De Dag van de Romantische muziek viert zelfs haar twintigste verjaardag. DagjeWeg.NL zet een aantal zomerevenementen voor u op een rijtje.


Visitors can meet young Dutch film makers at the Schouwburgplein, where from 18 August to 9 September Cineboard will be projecting video art on the side wall of the Pathé Cinema. The soundtrack can be followed through the special headphones which are available.

De Parade

The travelling theatre troupe The Parade will be setting up its tents next to the Netherlands’ Architecture Institute (NAI) from 22 June to 2 July. Surrounding the tents are a number of pavement cafés. The artists will be attracting members of the public from here to come and see the short performances. There is also a swing carousel.

Dag van de Romantische Muziek

Sunday 13 August sees the twentieth anniversary of  the Day of Romanic Music. Lovers of music from the period 1820 to 1900 mustn’t miss this day in the Park by the Euromast. Besides the music, the English landscaping in the park, the picnic baskets, and the men and women dressed in period costume all add to the special ambience of the day.


From Sunday 25 June to Sunday 6 August a variety of activities will be taking place in the Park by the Euromast. Every Sunday will feature a live band, a puppet show for the children, and you can treat yourself to a relaxing massage.

FFWD Heineken Dance Parade

It’s party time for the FFWD Heineken Dance Parade, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2006. On Saturday 12 August there will be a street parade of forty trucks playing techno-music. The festivities continue after the parade with a dance festival in Katendrecht.

Photos: © Bas Czerwinski / Rotterdam Festivals

All on a row

Beach at the Maas: as from mid- May
Volvo Ocean Race: 8 June until 15 June
Ortel Dunya Festival: Sunday 28 May
The Parade: 22 June until 2 July
Summer Sundays: 25 June until 6 August
Kolkkonsert: 1 July and 2 July
Metropolis Festival: 1 July and 2 July
Rotterdam Camp Site: 6 July until 10 July
North Sea Jazz Festival: 14 July until 16 July
North Sea Round Town: about 14 July until 16 July
Danceground: 26 August and 27 August
Ortel Summer carnaval: 28 July and 29 July
Pleinbios: August
Day of Romantic Music: 13 August
FFWD Heineken: 12 August
Freshness: 13 August
Cineboards: 18 August until 9 September
Monaco at the Maas: 20 August
Rotterdams Street Festival: 24 August until 27 August
Ferry Port Concert: 26 August
World Port Days: 1 September until 3 September
Port Festival: 1 September until 3 September

Redactioneel - Laatst gewijzigd: 2011-05-09 10:46:50 · Gepubliceerd: 16 mei 2006 - 5227