ruined weekend with a shade of discrimination.

Bezoekdatum 16.04 (geschreven op 26 april 2023)
We had totally bad situation in this place. We parked our car in parking place that owned this restaurant, and in the end of the day, when there was time to leave we payed by card in the parkingautomat, money from card go away, but system didn’t let us out. Than we waited for ten minutes and tried again. so we paid second time, but system again didn’t let us out. There was no phone number, but somone said that the owner of this parking is cafee nearby. so we went there and asked a woman from that caffe to help us. that woman came with us on parking, but than she saw our ukrainian numbers on auto and just started yelling on us! she didnt want to listen our story, I told her that I have in a car small, tired and hungry son, and I showed my payments in my bank app, but she became even more mad on us. She was just yelling that we coudnt pay two times and our second bill is from cafee. But we are not a liers or fools! And local people also had problems with payments and cant go out, their cards didnt accepted at all. But she wasn’t yelling on them, and few cars left just for free. Luckily there came other young woman, that lisened to us and called someone to look on cameras, and then she said that we realy paid twice on parking. We spend on that parking for 40 minutes! So then the angry woman said that she will return me money. She didn’t allow me come in into caffe, and said to stay on a street. She returned me money for the second payment. I said, that I supposed, that she should return me money for the whole day, because I loose 40 minutes, and she was loud on me, and this is not ok for me. For this she yelled on me one more time, said “You are leaving, now”! and went back into caffe. For me it was not about the money, just because I feel that it’s not right. And I was sooo sad, and still is. Maybe this woman don’t like Ukrainians, or refugees at all. And I wish I never should leave my home in Ukraine. But I have no choice, and I really try to live a normal life in Netherlands now: I am working, I am learning Dutch on courses, my son going to school, I am paying for his swimming lessons and gymnastics, we have local friends. I am a human, I have feelings, and no one should talk and do to me or other persons like this. I am really sad, that this happened to us.
Beoordeling gegeven door Oksana.